Thursday 14 June 2012


Marriage in Australia

Your rights and responsibilities


One of your rights if you are 18 years of age and over is getting married with out parents'/gaurdians' or judge/magistrate permission, you can also get a legal advice to find out the process, means how to do this. In addition, you can still commence your marriage despite your parents'/ gaurdians' refusal if the judge/Magistrate permitted your marriage after applying for their permission instead of you parents'/guardians. Also after making sure that you parents' not being reasonable, you are capable of getting married and you have seen a family counsellor. In case you fail to get a permission from parents'/gaurdians' for some reason such as they live over seas or any other reason. you can provide a legal document showing the facts and circumstances of your incapability of getting married. Once again you can still get married if the Judge/Magistrate granted you the permission. Same sex couples have no right under Australia current law to marry. They may have a commitment ceremony and in some state their relationship can be registered as a domestic partnership.


If you are 16 or 17 years of age and your partner is 18 and over you are required to get a permission from the Judge/Magistrate and a permission from your parents'/gaurdians'. First, You should wait for the Judge/Magistrate to study your situation, then find out whether you are capable of getting married or not. Second, if you are eligible your marriage has to be within three months. Moreover, you should get a permission from your parents'/gaurdians'. Ensure that it is in writing, witnessed and dated. then you should give the permission to the person marring you.You are also responsible of seeking your parents'/gaurdians' permissions even if they both or one of them is over seas. However, if you were married before you are required to obtain a divorce from a family Court or Federal Magistrates Court before getting married.

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